You’re experiencing a painful sensitivity in one of your teeth every time you take a drink of cold water. Perhaps it’s happening when you’re trying to enjoy your morning cup of coffee. Or you’ve noticed swelling near your tooth or gums. You’ve tried waiting a few days to see if the pain will go away, but if anything it’s getting worse. Gone is the pleasure you get from eating. The pain is even beginning to bother you during the night.
There are few things more uncomfortable — and more common — than a toothache. So, what is causing that pain and what should you do about it? At the office of Jamaica Dental PC, our endodontists are specially trained in diagnosing and relieving tooth pain. We know that getting to the root of the problem as quickly as possible affords the best opportunity to save your natural tooth and avoid costly treatments in the future. We are experts at making our patients comfortable during treatment, and ensuring that our treatments yield long-lasting results.
The root canal and other procedures offered by our staff employ state-of-the-art techniques, materials and anesthetics, so our patients are treated more quickly and have a virtually pain-free experience. Treatments can often be accomplished in just one to two visits lasting less than an hour each. Gone are the days of long, uncomfortable hours in the dentist’s chair.
Let’s face it, no one looks forward to having work done on their teeth. But keep in mind that delay can be costly — to both your teeth and your wallet. Saving your natural tooth is always the best alternative, and no one is better trained and equipped to do that than the endodontists at Jamaica Dental PC. A visit to our office is the beginning of the end of your toothache. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
By Jamaica Dental PC
May 25, 2021